Sunday, May 13, 2012

365- Your Mom IS a Dare Devil.

   Mothers so rarely get what they deserve as much as they get precisely what they don’t deserve. We honestly don’t appreciate them enough. Our little worlds would probably crash into pieces without them (in fact they do, it’s called College. Kidding, kidding)

   Who else, other than your Mum, would really still hold you and smile for the picture when 3 year old you peed on her lap? Who else could tie your hair back while you crouched vomiting on the side of the road the day of your first soccer game? Who else without fail, remembers your favorite breakfast cereal? Or which of your favorite T-shirts can’t be machine dried? Yes she may get your name mixed up with that of your sister’s, but that’s just one of the many minor side effects of mommying (side effects may include sleep deprivation, lack of free time, and a life time supply, or need of, Oxi-stain remover) My family travels, a LOT, and Mom manages to get all 7 of us (and one dog) packed and accounted for as we zoom around the world for 3 days, sometimes stuck in airports overnight, or lost in passport crowds that seem to be shouting ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ they are so large. Sure Dad helps, but I won’t let him steal the Limelight. Moms do things for you that no other person on the planet would dare to do. They wouldn't touch your mom’s job with a ten foot pole. Your mom’s a daredevil. Yeah, try that on for size. And if none of the above has convinced you, think about this. Could you on a day to day basis console a self-conscious and emotional twelve year old girl? I didn’t think so.  

    Just think about it, your mom can manage to put up with YOU. And do it with a smile, with REAL love. A mother’s love is just about as close to unconditional love as you are going to get with any human.

   Sometimes it’s hard when trying to come up with the words for a person so close to you. Especially for a teenager, when by the eyes of the world (and most likely our parents as well) we are expected to dislike our parents, almost pressured to. It’s the form of a younger generation, what can we do? We all follow suit. What I am trying to say, though it is out of character (That’s right, can’t put me in a box) I am so incredibly thankful for my Mother and do not show it as much as I should on a daily basis, one day a year just doesn’t cut it folks. Sometimes I take this person who’ll do almost anything for me, my number one supporter, and I take her for granted. I’m sorry for that mom, you deserve so much more.

    I better go to bed now though, after reading this she’ll be expecting me bright and early with dishes done and breakfast in bed :)

    What’s something your mom has done for you that NO one else would? Or something that you might have taken for granted and forgot to thank her for? 

Montepulciano, when the GPS failed Mom navigated us through the cities twisting streets. It reminded me of one of those 'chase' credit card commercials. 

111. Your Mom is a Dare Devil 

 112. She's something your lucky to have found


113. A Mother's Love

There we go, peed on her JUST as we were finally getting that family picture. 

114. Who Else

Happy Mothers Day!


  1. Loved your blog about your MUM - you are a wonderful writer, Madi.

    1. Thank you Nana! I am so glad you liked it! Happy Mother's day :)


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