Friday, May 18, 2012

Pinterest: The Alien Brain Sucker

It was probably the least most important or helpful thing me and Tasha could do, but the second a table got set up in my room we pulled out the jars found in the backyard.
After a lot scrubbing, polishing and debating on whether or not we should use the глюкоза декстроза we finally decided against it vying that your heath is occasionally better than your happiness.

We spent the rest of the night and morning painting old Jam jars. Without any help from Pinterest, TAKE THAT! Do any of you pin? I don’t know about you but for me personally I think Pinterest has slowly been sucking at all my creativity, literal Alien Brian Sucker. Every new picture I see shows me just how unoriginal I am. It’s tragic really, the worst thing is that they show you all these fantastic ideas and so you start that Pinterest newbie board saying ‘Things to do’ and all the Pinterest veterans just sit back and shake their heads, knowing that you’re lucky if you ever make 3 of those things.

There is just one thing that Pinterest is missing, a big red button, that when you press it Time Spontaneously combusts so that you actually HAVE time to waste making crafts or “quick bake” cupcake jars. But most likely with your new found time you would do what you already do (old habits die hard) you would spend all eternity scrolling through Pinterest’s never ending flow of knowledge. 


Unpacking some of my boxes we found piles and piles of leaves.


 124. Pinterest: The Alien Brain Sucker

125. The LEAST Most Helpful Thing

126. Jars with Natasha


127. Jam Jars
I thought about making Luke hanging from the icicles, but I couldn't draw an abominable snowman so I gave up.

128. Things to do

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